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Cover von Kuddelmuddel bei Pettersson & Findus
Author: Nordqvist, Sven; Jansson, Torbjörn Search for this author
Medium identifier: DVDJ
Year: 2010
Publisher: Hamburg, Edel
Series: Pettersson und Findus
Media group: DVD
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Cover von So spielt das Leben
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Medium identifier: DVDE
Year: 2011
Publisher: Warner Home DVD
Media group: DVD
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Cover von Pocahontas
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Medium identifier: DVDJ
Year: 2005
Publisher: München, Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Series: Walt Disney Special Collection
Media group: DVD
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Cover von Up in the Air
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Medium identifier: DVDE
Year: 2010
Publisher: Unterföhring, Paramount Home Entertainment
Media group: DVD
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Cover von Tödliche Unschuld
Author: Robb, J. D. Search for this author
Medium identifier: SL Thriller
Year: 2009
Publisher: München, Mosaik bei Goldmann
Series: Eve Dallas; 15
Media group: Schöne Literatur
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Cover von Tödliche Täuschung
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Medium identifier: JL5
Year: 2008
Die drei Fragezeichen
Media group: Jugend-Literatur
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Cover von Prinzessin Lillifee und das Einhorn
Author: Finsterbusch, Monika Search for this author
Medium identifier: JL1
Year: 2006
Publisher: Münster, Coppenrath
Media group: Jugend-Literatur
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Cover von Spider-Man
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Medium identifier: DVDE
Year: 2003
Publisher: München, Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment
Media group: DVD
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Cover von Eine fast perfekte Familie
Author: Moore, Meg Mitchell Search for this author
Medium identifier: SL
Year: 2015
Publisher: Berlin, Bloomsbury
Media group: Schöne Literatur
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Cover von The Marvels
Author: Karasik, Elissa; Karpman, Laura Search for this author
Medium identifier: DVDJ
Year: 2024
Publisher: München, LEONINE
Media group: DVD
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